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Appendix A Notation

Symbol Description Location
\(x\in A\) set membership Definition 1.1.1
\(A\subseteq B\) set inclusion Definition 1.1.3
\(A\cup B\) set union Definition 1.1.8
\(A\cap B\) set intersection Definition 1.1.8
\(A-B\) set difference Definition 1.1.8
\(\{\ \}, \emptyset\) the empty set Definition 1.1.9
\(\mathbb{R}\) the real numbers Definition 1.1.9
\(\mathbb{C}\) the complex numbers Definition 1.1.9
\(\mathbb{Z}\) the integers Definition 1.1.9
\(\mathbb{Q}\) the rational numbers Definition 1.1.9
\(A\times B\) Cartesian product Definition 1.1.10
\(f\colon A\rightarrow B\) a function from \(A\) to \(B\) Definition 1.1.13
\(f(A)\) image of the set \(A\) under \(f\) Definition 1.1.18
\(\operatorname{im} f\) image of a function \(f\) Definition 1.1.18
\(f\circ g\) the composition of \(f\) and \(g\) Definition 1.1.21
\(\begin{amatrix}[c|c]A\amp \mathbb{b}\end{amatrix}\) augmented matrix Definition 2.2.1
\(A\xrightarrow{c\,r_i} B\) scalar multiplication Remark 2.2.6
\(A\xrightarrow{r_i\leftrightarrow r_j} B\) row swap Remark 2.2.6
\(A\xrightarrow{r_i+c\,r_j} B\) replace \(r_i\) with \(r_i+c\,r_j\) Remark 2.2.6
\([a_{ij}]_{m\times n}\) Matrix whose \(ij\)-th entry is \(a_{ij}\) Definition 3.1.3
\((A)_{ij}\) \(ij\)-th entry of the matrix \(A\) Definition 3.1.3
\(\boldzero_{m\times n}\) the \(m\times n\) zero matrix Definition 3.1.7
\(-A\) Additive inverse of \(A\) Definition 3.2.2
\(I\) inverse matrix Definition 3.2.3
\(A^{-1}\) inverse of \(A\) Definition 3.3.1
\(A^r\) matrix power Definition 3.3.9
\(f(A)\) matrix polynomial Definition 3.3.10
\(\underset{cr_i}{E}\) Scaling elementary matrix Definition 3.4.1
\(\underset{r_i\leftrightarrow r_j}{E}\) Row swap elementary matrix Definition 3.4.1
\(\underset{r_i+c\,r_j}{E}\) Row addition elementary matrix Definition 3.4.1
\(A_{ij}\) submatrix of \(A\) Definition 3.5.1
\(\det A\) determinant of \(A\) Definition 3.5.3
\(M_{ij}\) the \(ij\)-th minor of a matrix Definition 3.5.7
\(\adj A\) adjoint of a square matrix Definition 3.5.14
\(M_{mn}\) vector space of \(m\times n\) matrices Definition 4.1.3
\(\R^n\) vector space of \(n\)-tuples Definition 4.1.4
\(\{\boldzero\}\) the zero vector space Definition 4.1.6
\(\R^\infty\) the vector space of infinite real sequences Definition 4.1.7
\(F(X,\R)\) vector space of functions from \(X\) to \(\R\) Definition 4.1.8
\(\R_{>0}\) vector space of positive real numbers Definition 4.1.10
\(T_A\) the matrix transformation associated to \(A\) Definition 4.2.8
\(\rho_\alpha\) rotation by \(\alpha\) in the plane Definition 4.2.12
\(\Span S\) the span of \(S\) Definition 4.4.1
\(\val{X}\) the cardinality of the set \(X\) Definition 4.5.9
\(\dim V\) dimension of \(V\) Definition 4.5.12
\(\rank T\) the rank of \(T\) Definition 4.6.1
\(\nullity T\) the nullity of \(T\) Definition 4.6.1
\(\NS A\) the null space of matrix \(A\) Definition 4.6.5
\(\RS A\) the row space of a matrix \(A\) Definition 4.6.5
\(\CS A\) the column space of a matrix \(A\) Definition 4.6.5
\(\rank A\) the rank of a matrix \(A\) Definition 4.6.5
\(\nullity A\) the nullity of a matrix \(A\) Definition 4.6.5
\(\norm{\boldv}\) norm of \(\boldv\) Definition 5.1.13
\(d(\boldv, \boldw)\) the distance between \(\boldv\) and \(\boldw\) Definition 5.1.15
\(W^\perp\) the orthogonal complement of \(W\) Definition 5.2.9
\([P]_B^{B'}\) change of basis matrix Definition 6.3.1