

Summary of Grant Expenses

In our original proposal we budgeted $2,007 for an in-person training event. With the switch to remote work, we altered our budget to commit $2,500 to pay honoraria of $500 each to librarians from across the country to do an in-depth review of the toolkit.

The review was followed by a recorded Zoom interview in which received feedback, comments, and suggestions. In the end, we recruited six librarians for the review, increasing this line item to $3000.

Fortunately, we hired a Northwestern Libraries colleague to complete the accessibility audit for $1000, which was much less expensive than hiring a specialized company.

In the end, $441.26 was left unspent due to unforeseen student employee scheduling issues.

Item Description Cost
Research and Development Assistant Research and test software for possible inclusion in the toolkit $1,639.62
Instructional Design and Communication Assistant Assist in the creation of user-facing documentation, tutorials, and guides $3,279.25
Document Production Assistant Assist with PDF, HTML, EPUB, and DOCX templating $1,639.63
Employee Fringe Benefits Standard benefits paid to graduate student employees $67.00
Accessibility Audit Specialist to provide an accessibility audit on sample output files $1,000.00
Graphic Design services To develop a logo for the completed project website $500.00
Librarian Review Panel Six librarians selected to review and provide feedback on a pre-release version of the tookit $3,000.00
TOTAL SPENT ($11,125.50)
TOTAL AWARDED $11,566.76